Petersham Nurseries

Posted on October 27, 2016 by Metro Blog

Stepping into Petersham Nurseries is like entering a parallel universe – it’s light years away from the aesthetically challenged supermarket approach of many garden centres.  This aspirational world is one where everything – from humble garden twine to antique wrought iron benches – is carefully selected and beautifully displayed.  

Plants are inspirationally arranged in old wine crates, on wooden barrows or battered zinc-topped tables while inside the vintage greenhouses the relaxed, bohemian vibe continues with colonial-style ceiling fans whirring above and expensively distressed furniture, planters in all materials from zinc to vintage terracotta, luxurious bath products and tender exotics like orchids and stephanotis.  The hands-on gardener hasn’t been neglected either with practical gardening kit including gloves for all situations and good quality, traditionally crafted tools.  For those who like to grow their own from scratch the nursery stocks their own branded seeds.

The well-edited plant list aims to provide gardens with year-round colour and structure and includes seasonal bedding and bulbs, unusual herbaceous perennials and a gorgeously scented collection of old fashioned roses.  Trees – ornamental and fruit – are chosen with the smaller urban garden in mind and there is an enticing choice of pots for container plants.Petersham is also home to a café and a Teahouse, which serves delicious cakes, ethically sourced coffees and teas, as well as light lunches in a more relaxed, garden shed ambience.The current incarnation of Petersham Nurseries owes its existence to Gael and Francesco Boglione, who live in neighbouring Petersham House and who bought and renovated the nursery, reopening it in 2004.  Petersham House itself has a glorious garden (occasionally open to the public – see website), whose ‘hedgerow gone mad’ 150ft (46m) double herbaceous border inspires the stock in the nursery and whose kitchen garden supplies the restaurant with salad, herbs and edible flowers.  Petersham House is set within a historic Thames landscape, known as Arcadia, which runs along the Thames from Teddington to Kew.  It’s a beautiful but sensitive site and visitors are strongly advised to avoid coming by car but instead to visit on foot, bicycle or public transport.  The website has details of all the permutations as well as delivery options for purchases.

Petersham Nurseries
Church Lane, Off Petersham Rd,
Richmond, TW10 7AB
T: 020 8940 5230   

Nursery & shop open:
Mon-Sat 9.00-17.00, Sun 11.00-17.00

Teahouse open:
Mon-Sat 9.00-17.00, Sun 11.00-17.00
(due to planning restrictions on Mondays visitors are only able to purchase tea, coffee or soft drinks).

Café open for lunch Tues-Fri 12.00-14.00,
Sat & Sun 12.00-15.30


this in an excerpt from our forthcoming book:
the London Garden Book A-Z
by Abigail Willis



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