Portobello Green Market

Posted on March 13, 2018 by Andrew Kershman

Under the Westway and west up to Ladbroke Grove
(Retro and new clothing, CDs and records, books and collectables)
Insta: portobellogreenmarket
Twitter: @Portobello6
Fri 10am-5pm (Vintage), Sat 9am-5pm (Fashion), Sun 10am-4pm (Flea Market)

The Westway flyover marks the beginning of a funkier and more entertaining part of Portobello.  Under the roaring Westway flyover and with its own canopied roof can be found Portobello Green Market, which is one of the best places for vintage and second-hand fashion from Friday to Sunday. 

Fridays have acquired a particular reputation for lovers of vintage threads and you can often find some of the specialist fashion sellers that exhibit at the more exclusive vintage fairs, also selling their wares here with perhaps more room to barter at this cheaper open air market.  Fridays and Sundays are great days to visit if you just want to indulge in vintage fashion, but to get the full Portobello experience you’ll need to come on a Saturday when the whole of Portobello is alive and kicking.

This feature is taken from our forthcoming book:
London's Markets
by Andrew Kershman



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