Posted on February 05, 2018 by Andrew Kershman

St Paul’s School, Primrose Hill Road, NW3 3DS
Twitter: @TheSpreadLDN
Instagram: thespreadldn
Sat 10am-3pm

This wonderful market is run by the intrepid folk at The Spread who host several food markets across London.  Every Saturday about forty stalls set out their tempting wares in a playground at the very northern tip of Primrose Hill Park.  Foodie visitors to the market will not be disappointed with fresh organic fruit and veg from the likes of Wild Country Organics and there are even specialist tomato and mushroom traders if you’re after something unusual.  Pick’s Organic Farm is always here catering for the carnivore community with a skilled butcher on hand to make sure visitor get exactly the right cut.  Primerose Hill can also boast of an excellent fishmonger with Veasey & Sons providing a spectacular display fish and shellfish fresh from the south coast with a selection of produce from their own smokehouse.

Primrose Hill is also a great place to visit for deli foods with specialist Italian, Greek, Spanish and French stalls offering anything from hand-carved Jamon Iberico to freshly made ravioli and there’s also a stall offering a bewildering range of olives and stuffed peppers.  For the best British produce, Hook & Son have delicious butter, honey and raw organic milk, while The Borough Cheese Company are regulars here with a small but tempting selection of British cheeses  with little tasters always on hand for the curious.  There are lots of sweet things to be found at Primerose Hill, but a real favourite is the German Wholefood Baker, which is one of the few places in London offering genuine German cheese cake.

For those who want to eat on the go, there are several street food stalls offering anything from meatballs with pasta from Liberty Kitchen to mouthwatering meaty sandwiches prepared by The Parsons Nose.  
After a visit to this wonderful vibrant market it’s easy to see why the good citizens of Primrose Hill have taken this market to their hearts.

This is a feature taken from our forthcoming book:
London's Markets 
by Andrew Kershman



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