Stroud Green School
N4 3EX
Twitter: @StroudGrMarket
Tube: Finsbury Park
Sunday 10am-2.30pm
Every Sunday the small playground of Stroud Green School is transformed into a friendly community food market offering grocery essentials including quality fruit and veg, bread and pastries, delicious cheeses from Raw Cheese Power, quality meat and fresh fish from the Kent coast provided by Seafayre. The market also has prepared foods with a popular brownie stall, Pie Station offering all kinds pastry delights and lots of food to eat on the go including beautifully prepared burgers provided by a local chef and the ever popular toasted cheese sandwich stall.
Those looking for something a little stronger will not be disappointed with a local micro brewery stall and a wine merchant offering a choice of unusual Italian wines with the opportunity to try before you buy. The market is run with enthusiasm by the ebullient Edmund who has helped, along with the traders, to make this a much loved feature of the north London market scene.
This in a feature taken from our forthcoming book:
London's Markets
by Andrew Kershman